What Your Stock Holdings Reveal About You

Eric Chemi

with Eric Chemi, Senior Editor-at-Large, Data Journalism at CNBC

They say “you are what you eat” but, in the world of investments, can we tweak that to “you are what you invest in”? In an interesting exercise, Chemi looked at data on investors’ portfolio holdings and parsed that by age, median liquid net worth, home state and their political leanings (Democrat or Republican) – to see if investors can be profiled based on the stocks and other investments they hold and answer that initial question – are you what you invest in? As Peter Lynch said, own shares of companies that you understand. Turns out, investors that hold Facebook, Google or Twitter shares tend to be younger, live in blue states and do not have as much money. And older folk tend to hold blue chips, energy and pharmaceutical companies. So do your stock holdings reflect who you are, where you live and your median net worth?

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Since 2001, I've helped educate and counsel investors like you with truthful answers so they can make informed money decisions. Through my association with WPBI and WLRN, National Public Radio for South Florida, I have been bringing you the same hard-hitting advice each week with "On The Money!". This show helps to protect you from self-serving forces within the financial services industry. I am also Managing Director for United Capital Financial Advisers, LLC, which is not affiliated with On The Money Radio.