There’s A Science To Capturing People’s Attention

Ben Parr

With Ben Parr, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of DominateFund and Author of 

With so much noise and distraction in the world, especially with the advent of technology and social media, Ben Parr shows us how to capture the attention of your information-overwhelmed target audience. He uses analogies such as a bonfire to show you what you need to grab audience attention – from the initial spark to the kindling to the roaring fire – without letting distractions dissipate audience interest so you have their attention over the long-term.

He also walks us through various captivation triggers, framing models and subconscious biases that help corporations grab short-term and long-term attention of their various stakeholders – employees, customers, shareholders, etc. So tune in to see how you can better compete for audience mindshare in this increasingly noisy world.

  • TAGS
Since 2001, I've helped educate and counsel investors like you with truthful answers so they can make informed money decisions. Through my association with WPBI and WLRN, National Public Radio for South Florida, I have been bringing you the same hard-hitting advice each week with "On The Money!". This show helps to protect you from self-serving forces within the financial services industry. I am also Managing Director for United Capital Financial Advisers, LLC, which is not affiliated with On The Money Radio.
  • ZB!

    Steve, you have wonderful guests and do a terrific job of interviewing them. I realize they want to sell their books; you want to promote your services, but you and your guests do it in wonderful and informative style.