Everything You Must Know Before Marrying And Moving In


With , Nationally Recognized Expert on Personal Finance, the Markets and the Economy, Author – The Savage Truth on Money (Amazon.com bestseller), Author –

Whether you’re marrying, moving in or moving on, The New Love Deal is a book that urges couples to deal with important financial realities early on in a way that keeps the love alive. Co-authored by a family law attorney, a retired family court judge turned mediator, and a nationally known financial writer, this is the first book to confront the pervasive truth that we no longer live in our parents’ world of traditional marriage.

The book provides legal guidelines and loving procedures for negotiating and navigating successfully through the turbulent waters of our new relationships. The sad alternative is what the authors witness daily; thousands of men and women who marry, only to later stand with attorneys before a judge while their assets and debts are divided in ways they never anticipated. So “new love deals” need to be struck with financial transparency and honesty.

  • TAGS
  • personal finance
  • Savage Truth on Money
  • Terry Savage
Since 2001, I've helped educate and counsel investors like you with truthful answers so they can make informed money decisions. Through my association with WPBI and WLRN, National Public Radio for South Florida, I have been bringing you the same hard-hitting advice each week with "On The Money!". This show helps to protect you from self-serving forces within the financial services industry. I am also Managing Director for United Capital Financial Advisers, LLC, which is not affiliated with On The Money Radio.